Our Baby Faay

Our eldest daughter's baby was born on 6 September 2001, and in October Su and Chim brought it to Phuket to live with us in our house here. She is a little girl, and is lively without being noisy. Most she likes to be held by her grandmother, who enjoys having her. She is making good now, for when in younger years she herself had to leave her own little children in her grandmother's care, because she had to go out to earn a living.

And of course, 'Opa' enjoys having his little granddaughter around also, as she enjoys sitting in his lap. Chuang and Danny were visiting in January from Belgium. Now Chuang is challenged to have her own baby.




Now during the long school holidays (April in Thailand) we have additional visitors from Buri Ram, two nieces of Su, King and Prang. These two little girls had never been to the sea side and are making the most of it now.




Since 3 September 2002 Chim has gone with the baby to live in the village in Buri Ram. These are pictures taken shortly before she left.